Saturday, June 21, 2014
Never enough time....
When you have fibromyalgia there never seems to be enough time to do everything you want to do, or if there is time your pain cuts down you ability to do everything.
Now that being said, I have a lot of hobbies. I like to read, cook, knit, crochet, sew, garden, and make digital signature tags using Paint Shop Pro or Photo Shop. I wish I had the time and energy to do them all often, but there are never enough hours in the day. So I pick and choose which I do whenever I have time. This week so far it has been reading, crocheting and making a tag.
I've decide to share my hobbies here with doses of my life. Yeah I have a boring life that some of you will be able to relate to, but others won't be interested in. I tried to plant some flowers I bought today, I only got a couple in before the storms started, so I will try after the storms are done. My boys helped me dig and were disappointed when the thunder started LOL. My youngest was mad that we had to come inside, but thunder and lightning made continued planting a no go. He loves to dance in the rain with me; when there is a soft rain on a warm day there is nothing better than dancing with you child in the rain. I think it helps to teach them to enjoy small moments in life, and to appreciate what you have. Of course my husband thinks I'm crazy, but hey he's the one who married me, so what does that make him?
I've been surfing the web so I think I' gonna bake some donuts (I got two donut pans), not sure yet, depends on how I feel. If not donuts hen I will bake some butter cookies. My family love home baked goods, so it is a good thing I like to bake. OOOOOO maybe I'll make Thumbprint cookies. Homemade pizza is on the agenda tomorrow as well. found a new crust recipe to try. so I will rest tonight and bake tomorrow.
So I will stop back by later, so you can compare my boring life to yours. Yeah I know we shouldn't compare ourselves, but really we all do anyway. I teach my children to not compare themselves to each other, yet they ignore me and do it anyway. Not only do they compare themselves to each other, they compare themselves to their friends. Now being the children of a biracial mother, and an african american father it makes it hard on them, as they don't fit into either category, in their minds. I let them know that they are perfectly perfect being themselves, and that no one can be them. So while I talk about my boring life it is still perfectly perfect for me.
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Welcome to my crazy life of chaos. This is a little blog to talk about the craziness of my little family and all that it incurs, even the boring stuff. I have fibromyalgia and many many hobbies, not to mention two very active and very wonderful little guys. I'm going to share my tidbits with you so maybe there will be something to make you smile.
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