Sunday, June 22, 2014

Learning something new this morning...


As I sit here in solitude... (well until my youngest showed up) I bask in the silence, and reflect on this idea of mine to start a blog. 
Who really cares about my day to day life? 
Yeah there are funny moments, and yeah I need to vent somehow, but mostly who cares about a mom fighting pain to be with her kids? 
Who cares that sometimes my pain is go great that I can barely function? 
Or that some nights I don't get to sleep at all?
Who really cares that I don't want my kids to only remember my pain when they get older?
Or that I can't do somethings with them because of pain.
Who really cares about the limitations I have because my body won't cooperate?
Some days I can't enjoy my hobbies because my hands won't cooperate, or I can't stand as long as I'd like.
I'd love to be able to bake with my children and teach them to love to cook, if only my body would allow it.
I know there are so many out there who have a harder life than I, I feel for them.
I just wish that those who say they love me would be bale to understand what I deal with.
I don't need advice on what I should do, or how losing weight would help.
Unless you have a medical degree or you have been where I am, 
just be supportive, don't advise unless I ask.
I am not ungrateful, don't miss understand, I have a good life that is interrupted by pain, but I am thankful for my good life all the same.
I am thankful that I have wonderful, loving, compassionate, and kind children.
I am thankful that I have a husband who tries so hard to understand.
I am thankful for those who care enough to try to advise (even if it doesn't help).
Mostly I am thankful that despite my pain I woke up this morning with time to reflect.
I am thankful for my pain at times simply because it makes me appreciate my life so much more.

Hugs and love,


Welcome to my crazy life of chaos. This is a little blog to talk about the craziness of my little family and all that it incurs, even the boring stuff. I have fibromyalgia and many many hobbies, not to mention two very active and very wonderful little guys. I'm going to share my tidbits with you so maybe there will be something to make you smile.

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